Remote Learning Days

Remote Learning Days

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has approved the use of remote learning as instructional time. Wayne Highlands School District is planning to use Remote Learning Days as an alternate form of instruction on days whereby school may have otherwise been cancelled due to inclement weather (i.e. snow days). A Remote Learning Day will be counted as a full day of school.

Notification: If there is a weather-related reason to cancel school and move into a Remote Learning Day, it will be announced like we normally do using our One Call Now Alert System. If you have not already done so, please visit our website at to sign up for the One Call Now Alert System. You will find the One Call Now link under “Quick Links”.

Lessons/Assignments: Teachers will provide an explanation to students regarding how to access the instruction (i.e. Zoom) and assignments that will need to be completed. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and complete assignments for all classes that would normally meet in-person on the Remote Learning Day. Younger students or students with accommodations may require support from an adult.

Access: Students will access instruction and activities for the Remote Learning Day through their teachers’ Google Classroom (Grades K -12), hard copy or information downloaded to a device for offline access. Online and offline options will be provided in a format that the student has experienced during the school year. In cases where online access is not available, parents are encouraged to contact building principals to make alternate arrangements.

Work Completion and Attendance: Recognizing that students may face other circumstances or a lack of Internet connection on a day of inclement weather, students will have three days beyond the Remote Learning Day to complete all assignments. In accordance with the District’s attendance policy, if the assignment(s) are not competed within three days of the designated Remote Learning Day, students will be noted as absent and will receive a zero on the assignment(s).

Teacher and Staff Availability: Your child’s teacher(s) will be available for assistance via email or through Google Classroom during their regularly scheduled day. Students should log into Google Classroom at the start of their normal school day/class period to be informed of the instructional plans and assignments. Your school’s principal(s), counselor(s) and nurse will also be available via email.

The Remote Learning Day will allow students and teachers to have continuity in the learning process while responding to a weather closure in an efficient manner. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your school principal.

Remote Learning Day Notification

The following two options may be used in the event of a weather-related school closing.

1. Remote Learning Day: Schools are closed for in-person instruction with students attending classes and completing assigned work remotely.

The following message will be sent through the One Call Now Alert System the day prior to a potential Remote Learning Day.

Potential Remote Learning Day Tomorrow: The weather forecast leading into tomorrow may result in conditions unsafe for travel. If the Wayne Highlands School District decides to close buildings tomorrow, a Remote Learning Day will be in effect. If you receive an announcement of a Remote Learning Day, information regarding Remote Learning Day instruction and activities will be posted on the teachers’ Google Classroom pages.

If school is then cancelled, an additional message will be sent via the One Call Now Alert System in reference to a Remote Learning Day being in effect. The message will also be posted on the District's website and Social Media, as well on other public media sources.

2. CLOSED: There may still be instances when the District will close and not use a Remote Learning Day. The notification message will be the same as in the past, noting that school is CLOSED.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Remote Learning Day?

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has approved the use of remote learning as instructional time. Wayne Highlands School District is planning to use Remote Learning Days as an alternate form of instruction on days whereby school may have otherwise been cancelled due to inclement weather (i.e. snow days). A Remote Learning Day will be counted as a full day of school.

On a Remote Learning Day, students will attend all scheduled classes and complete learning assignments provided by the teacher at home on the day that otherwise would have been cancelled. Students will receive assignments for each subject that would have originally taken place during a regular school day.

How will parents and students find the Remote Learning Day instruction, activities and assignments?

Classroom teachers will use Google Classroom for instruction/lessons as well as for posting the learning assignments, activities, and online resources required for the day. Parents and students should check each teachers’ Google Classroom at the beginning of the normal school day to be prepared for instruction (i.e. Zoom) and assignments. Parents and/or students should make teachers aware of a need for a paper-copy version of the assignment if Wi-Fi will not be available on the Remote Learning Day. A paper-copy version of the assignment will be provided to the student.

What if a student does not have access to the Internet to access the lesson or complete activities?

The teacher may provide students with an offline version of the learning activities and assignments prior to the Remote Learning Day or the student can obtain the assignment in a hard copy version during the next regular school day. Either way, students will have three days to complete the required learning activities and assignments.

Will elementary students have lessons, assignments and activities for their special classes such as music?

Students will be expected to attend special classes for lessons and assignments that are typically scheduled for that day to include specials in physical education, health, art, music, library, technology, and guidance.

What happens if a student does not complete the Remote Learning Day assignments?

Middle and high school students may lose the point value or grade for the assignment. This loss of points could negatively impact a student’s marking period grade. Each teacher weights learning activities and assignments differently. It would be in the best interest of the student to complete the assignments by the required due date and no later than three days after assigned.

Students will be marked absent for the Remote Learning Day if work is not completed.

What if a student is on a pre-arranged absence?

The student would be expected to make up the learning activities and assignments within three days of returning to school.

How is a student expected to complete the activities if they go to daycare when school is cancelled?

If the student cannot access the internet or take a paper-copy of the learning activities and assignments to the daycare to complete that day, the student would have three days to complete the activities.


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