A local educator has been selected to receive
this year's Outstanding Educator Award. The Honedale Area Jaycees will
be honoring Mrs. Paula Brennan at a special event on Thursday, November
9th. The special event to honor Mrs. Brennan will be held at Settler's
Inn in Hawley beginning with a cocktail hour at 6pm and dinner and the
award presentation following at 7pm. The cost is $30 person and an RSVP
is required. The dinner includes salad/rolls, choice of Chicken Parmesan
or Beef Brisket (Vegetarian upon request), accompaniments, desserts,
coffee, tea and soda. A head count is required. If you plan on
attending, please RSVP (to include your dinner selection) to Mrs. Kelli
Lateer by November 1, 2017 at klateer@whsdk12.com or Extension 1560. All attendees can pay at the door, checks payable to the Honesdale Area Jaycees.