Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
Who can I talk to concerning Special Education in my school district?
Call the district office at (570) 253-4661 and ask for the special education office. Each school principal is also aware of the procedure for obtaining special education services.
As a parent, is there someone in the Pennsylvania Department of Education I can call?
Within Pennsylvania you may call the Special Education Consult Line at 1-800-879-2301. A special education adviser will answer and direct your concerns to someone who can help you. Outside of Pennsylvania, use the main number for the Bureau of Special Education -- (717) 783-6913.
Where can I get copies of the regulations pertaining to Special Education?
A copy of the special education regulations and standards may be obtained by writing the Bureau of Special Education or by calling the main number.
I think my child is mentally gifted and entitled to additional programs and services. What should I do?
In Pennsylvania, mentally gifted students are entitled to specially designed instruction. Contact the district’s special education office and ask about the process by which your child will be evaluated.
What is an IEP?
An IEP is an Individualized Education Program and is the written plan for the education of a student who has a disability or is gifted. The IEP is based on the individual student’s needs and describes the special help the student will receive in school.
Are parents involved in the Special Education process?
Parents play a key role in determining the programs and services with which their child will be provided. Parents are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the determination of the appropriateness of their child's special education.
What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention services are specially designed instruction for children age three to the age at which the school district's kindergarten program begins. In our district, kindergarten begins at age five for children.
What is a Special Education placement?
A “placement” refers to the actual class and school a special education student attends where the student receives his or her special education program, and the type and intensity of services needed.
Can special education students be suspended from school?
Only under certain circumstances. There are special rules that apply to special education students.