Wayne Highlands School District is operating on a two hour delay on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
School Breakfast and Lunch Information
Dear Parents,
For the past two years, USDA has offered waivers to Child Nutrition (CN) Programs across the United States,
allowing these programs to offer all students breakfast and lunch at no cost. Unfortunately, these waivers expired
on June 30, 2022.
At the start of the 2022-2023 school year, CN programs across the nation will return to normal, pre-pandemic
operations. Families will once again be asked to complete and submit a current school year Free/Reduced Meal
Application to see if they qualify based on income. In past years, the first 30 days of the school year provided a
carry-over status from the previous school year. Since very few meal applications were submitted over the past
two years, here is what you can do to ensure your child is ready to start the 22-23 school year:
1. Meal applications can be picked up in any of the school main offices. These meal applications need to be
completed in entirety and returned to the student’s home school office or food service department.
2. Meal applications can be downloaded and printed from our web-site under the Food Services tab. The
meal applications need to be completed in entirety and returned to the student’s home school office or
food service department.
3. Meal applications can be completed online here: https://www.schoolcafe.com/
We’re committed to working tirelessly to provide high-quality, nutritious, healthy, and well-balanced meals to all
students. Your child’s well-being has always been our highest priority, and we’re committed to making the
transition back to everyday operations as seamless as possible.
In closing, we strongly encourage you to fill out a submit your application as soon as possible. Please do not
hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you!
Ryne Spaulding
Director of Food and Nutrition