Wayne Highlands School District is now CLOSED on, Friday, February 21, 2025.
Weather Related Information for Remote Instruction
December 14, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians:
As you are aware, it was announced last Friday that we will be in full remote instruction from December 14, 2020 up until the holiday break.Please note, if there is a weather-related reason to cancel school over the remaining school days leading up to break, it will be announced like we normally do using our One Call Now Alert System.If there is weather that requires a closure, it will be just like a typical “snow day” with no remote instruction.In essence, school will be closed.If you have not already done so, please visit our website at https://www.whsdk12.com/ to sign up for the One Call Now Alert System.You will find the One Call Now link under “Quick Links”.
Please be reminded, as we go through the holiday season, we will continue to monitor data using it to assist us in determining how best to return after break.At this time that decision has not been made, with all options expected to be considered.To review, the options include: Traditional Learning (in-person), Remote Learning (Learning at home through Google Classroom/Zoom), or the “hybrid” model.We will announce the return to school plan no later than December 30, 2020.
If the decision is made to return after the holiday break using the “hybrid” model, all WHSD students currently attending school in-person would be assigned to one of two different groups; either the “A” group or the “B” group. Students in the “A” group would attend school in-person on Mondays and Tuesdays, while students in the “B” group would learn remotely from home on those days, using Zoom and Google Classroom. All students would learn remotely from home on Wednesdays to provide the opportunity for a “deep clean” of our buildings. The “B” group of students would attend school in-person on Thursdays and Fridays while the “A” group learns remotely from home on those days. Please note that students from the same household will be assigned to the same group.You will be informed by your building principal(s) whether your child(ren) are designated as “A” or “B” prior to the holiday break.
In closing, I continue to be grateful for your continued understanding and support as we all navigate through this complicated time together.My best wishes to all of you for a healthy and happy holiday season!
District Superintendent