Wayne Highlands School District is now CLOSED today, Thursday, February 13, 2025.

Environmental Studies

NOTE:  This page is being updated frequently, so check back regularly for new postings. 
If a scholarship listing does not include a deadline yet, please wait to apply until a deadline is availalbe.

Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains: R.E.S.C.U.E. Benjamin B. Stone Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the staunch environmental organization "Return Susquehanna County Under Ecology" to recognize Benjamin's courageous and life long efforts that both halted threatening pollution to our region and established the Susquehanna County Recycling Center. This organization provides two post-secondary scholarships to high school graduates who, write a winning essay addressing his or her past environmental interests and accomplishments and describing future plans to protect the environment. The delegated selection committee is responsible for selecting the recipient in consultation with the Community Foundation.

Area of study: Environmental protection

Award amount: TBD


Deadline: March 15, 2025

Grey Towers Legacy Scholarship

Grey Towers National Historic Site was home to Gifford Pinchot, the first chief of the USDA Forest Service and two-term Pennsylvania Governor. Grey Towers is located in Milford, Pennsylvania and was constructed in 1886 by Gifford’s father, James W. Pinchot, a successful businessman and philanthropist. During the early 20th
century, Gifford and James used Grey Towers and the surrounding environs to develop conservation leaders and formulate conservation principles. Amos Pinchot, Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, and other Pinchot family members were equally active and made considerable contributions in women’s rights, civil rights, and labor
reform movements.

In an effort to continue this Pinchot Legacy, the Grey Towers Legacy Scholarship was created to support the pursuit of new ideas, strategies, and solutions in the fields of natural resources, science, economics, ecology, education, and social sciences.

Eligible Applicants: The scholarship is open to graduating public high school seniors with a 2.5 GPA pursuing a career in natural resources, science, economics, ecology, social science, and/or education at an accredited 2-year or 4-year university, community college, or technical school. The selected student’s continuing education enrollment can be full-time or part-time. To apply, the student must currently attend a public high school in one of the following counties:

  • Pike County, Pennsylvania
  • Monroe County, Pennsylvania
  • Wayne County, Pennsylvania
  • Sussex County, New Jersey
  • Orange County, New York

The scholarship will also be open to graduating students currently attending a Forest Service operated Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center.

Area of study: Natural Resources, Science, Economics, Ecology, Social Science, and/or Education

Award amount: $3,000.00


Deadline: February 2, 2025

The Lackawaxen River Conservancy Scholarship

The Lackawaxen River Conservancy is made up of local residents, past and present, from Pike and Wayne Counties. It is an organization that is dedicated to the protection and preservation
of the natural splendor of the Lackawaxen River, its watershed and wildlife.
The Lackawaxen River Conservancy Scholarship is open to all college-bound twelfth-grade students who

  • attend school in the Lackawaxen Watershed. (The high schools in the Lackawaxen Watershed are Honesdale, Wallenpaupack, Western Wayne, and Canaan Christian Academy
  • intend to pursue a career supporting environmental conservation
  • plan to major in college in a subject area that will lead to the achievement of this career goal


  1. Completed student application
  2. Essay discussing an environmental issue of concern to applicant and why.
  3. School report and recommendation from counselor
  4. Official transcript including GPA.
  5. High school profile
  6. Recommendation from a science teacher
  7. Deadline: April 7, 2025

Submit complete application to:

Christine Foland
TLRC Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 74
Rowland, PA 18457

More information can be found here: The Lackawaxen River Conservancy Scholarship

Area of study: pursuing a career in support of environmental conservation

Award amount: $500.00


Deadline: April 7, 2025

The Vanessa Joy Van Gorder Memorial Scholarship

The Vanessa Van Gorder Memorial Scholarship was established in 2015 in memory of Vanessa, who was a recent graduate of West Chester University.  This $2,000 scholarship is open to high school seniors planning to pursue a career in education or environmental studies, and will be awarded to a student in one of the nine school districts in the Upper Delaware River region in PA and NY.

To apply:
1 - complete an application 
2 - request a transcript from Mrs. Sullivan via the announcement app on your iPad 
3 - request two student asssessments forms (available at the link below) or letters of recommendation. 
NOTE: Assessments should be emailed to Mrs. Davoli directly, NOT provided to the student.  Teachers should include "Van Gorder Application Assessment: STUDENT NAME" in their email subject line.

All materials will be collected by Mrs. Davoli and submitted on your behalf.

Area of study: Education or Environmental Studies

Award amount: $2,000.00

Application (2 pages):  APPLICATION FORM
Assessment form (1 page): ASSESSMENT FORM

Deadline: March 21, 2025

Wayne Conservation District Perry/Westgate Memorial Scholarship

Contest is open to any student entering a 2 or 4 year college under an agricultural, conservation, or environmentally oriented college curriculum.  If there are any questions regarding the curriculum you plan to study, contact the office.  Some examples would be Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Engineering, Aquatic Biology, Soil Sciences, Parks and Recreation, Forest Sciences, Agronomy, Wildlife Biology, etc.

The application is to be completed to the best of the student’s ability.
One letter of reference must be included with the application.  The reference may not be a teacher or family member.
A one page, double-spaced essay describing future goals and objectives must be submitted with the student’s application.
A transcript of the applicant’s educational record must be included.
The school’s guidance counselor or principal must sign the application for the contest.
The judging is completed using the application and material submitted, and how much the activities and information given pertain to the college curriculum that is chosen.

Applications must be submitted to:

Wayne Conservation District
ATTN: Jamie Knecht
Wayne County Park Street Complex
648 Park Street
Honesdale PA 18431

Area of study: Agricultural, conservation or environmentally oriented college curriculum

Award amount: $1,000.00



Deadline: April 4, 2025

Wayne County Community Foundation Scholarships

The Wayne County Community Foundation offers scholarships to students interested in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to: Healthcare, Agriculture & Agribusiness, Forestry, Education, Veterinary, Horticulture, Mathematics, Business, Music, Technology, Culinary Arts, Criminal Justice and others.  Some need-based scholarships are available as well. 

Create an account at the link to begin the application process.

Area of study: Varies 

Award amount: Varies by Scholarship


Deadline: April 4, 2025

Wayne/Pike County Farm Bureau Scholarship

The Wayne/Pike County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce their scholarship opportunity for area high school seniors. All seniors in the Wayne/Pike County Farm Bureau service area, which include Wayne and Pike counties, are encouraged to apply. A monetary total will be divided among winning candidates at the discretion of the Wayne/Pike County Farm Bureau. The cash awards may be used toward tuition, room, board, books and school supplies.


The Wayne/Pike County Farm Bureau offers the "Agriculture, The Heart of a Growing Wayne/ County" Scholarship to deserving high school seniors as a way to heighten a long-term interest in agriculture and its varied positive impacts in our area. The local Farm Bureau also hopes to promote student consideration of the growing field of agricultural career opportunities such as: Food Science Processing, Nutrition, Biotechnology, Wildlife Conservation, Botany, Forestry, Natural Resources Management, Renewable Energy, Mechanics, Landscaping, Ag Education, Ag Communications, Animal Science, Horticulture and Agronomy.


Winners will be selected from the completed applications received on or before the February 24, 2025 deadline, at the address on the application. Winners will be selected utilizing a scoring combination composed of academics, community and school involvement, work history and career goals, as well as the essay. The essay is to be written in the student's own words. The use of Al technology is prohibited. A panel of judges will score the applications. Awards will be presented at the Wayne/Pike County Fai Bureau Spring Meeting on April 5, 2025.


Area of study: Food Science Processing, Nutrition, Biotechnology, Wildlife Conservation, Botany, Forestry, Natural Resources Management, Renewable Energy, Mechanics, Landscaping, Ag Education, Ag Communications, Animal Science, Horticulture and Agronomy.

Award amount: A monetary total will be divided among winning candidates at the discretion of the Wayne/Pike County Farm Bureau.


Deadline: February 24, 2025